We set standards

We have 34 broadcasting licenses, including 5 universal broadcasting licenses and 29 broadcasting licenses for specialized channels, that is thematic television channels. A universal program includes various types and forms of television programming, focusing on diverse topics. A specialized program is the program in which at least 70% of broadcasting time is devoted to specialized, particular genre of programming.
Trust and appreciation of our viewers are proven by the popularity of channels they choose to watch. In 2017, Polsat TV was one of the leading broadcasters in terms of audience share. Our main channel was unmatched in a group of all viewers with an audience share of 10.9% – it surpassed TVN (9.9%), TVP1 (9.6%) and TVP2 (7.9%). In the commercial viewers’ group (aged 16-49), which is most popular among advertisers, POLSAT had 12.3% audience share, TVN – 12.7% TVP2 – 6.8%, TVP1 – 6.1%.
It is an honor to be one of the most popular TV channels in Poland, but at the same time it is an obligation to provide our viewers with high quality news, unforgettable sport experience and the best entertainment – both at the global and local level.
Objectivity as the basis of our journalistic activities
“Wydarzenia” (News) is our flagship news program, broadcast in Polsat, Polsat News and Polsat News 2. The main edition of the news program, presented by news anchors Dorota Gawryluk, Jarosław Gugała, Joanna Wrześniewska-Sieger and Bartosz Kurek, is broadcast daily at 6:50 p.m. Since the beginning of the “Wydarzenia” we have focused on reliability and independence. Objectivity is the most important rule we follow in our daily work. We also keep an equal distance from all political forces and do not give in to pressure. We uncompromisingly monitor the activities of the representatives of public authorities. We pay particular attention to the social issues. This is our specialty and goal – to be close to people. We understand our work as a mission which consists in providing viewers with true and impartial news.
We control politicians on behalf of our viewers, while simultaneously not forgetting about the great responsibility that lies with journalists. The main edition of “Wydarzenia” in Polsat News channel is always followed by a current affairs program “Gość Wydarzeń” (Guest of the News), in which the anchor interviews the people who made most important news of a given day.
The quality of our news programs is confirmed by the results of the analysis of KRRiT (The National Broadcasting Council) presented at the beginning of 2016. The analysis covered four election campaigns in 2014, preceding elections to the European Parliament, local elections as well as campaigns in 2015, preceding the 1st and 2nd round of the presidential elections and the parliamentary elections. The Council has concluded that Polsat News was one of the two channels most closely meeting the criteria of public mission – both in terms of ideological diversity of the invited guests and objectivity of reporting.
The viewer opinion survey about current affairs and news programs, conducted by CBOS in 2017, is also a source of immense satisfaction for us. Most respondents – 46% – pointed to POLSAT and Polsat News programs as the most objective source of information.
In our journalism we not only inform, but also try to help viewers, whenever we have such a possibility. “Interwencja” (Interventions) program is an example of socially responsible journalism, thanks to which the viewers learn about dramatic, human stories. Reporters of the program are not indifferent to sufferings of ordinary people – for many of them this program is the last chance for help and justice. Many people, whose stories were shown in “Interwencja”, received help from other people or institutions. Effectiveness of the editorial team results in the increased number of received letters asking for help.
“Państwo w Państwie” (State within a state), broadcast in Polsat, Polsat News and Polsat News 2, is one of the most effective intervention programs in television. It is presented by Przemysław Talkowski, Polsat News journalist, and fights the common belief that any person conducting business activities is a potential criminal. Journalists of this program reveal extremely difficult situations that entrepreneurs in Poland face every day and identify inappropriate attitudes or regulations which are unfavorable to entrepreneurs.
“Nasz nowy dom” (Our new home) program is also worth mentioning. It is a unique program, which gives joy and hope for a better future to families in various parts of Poland – from the Baltic Sea to Tatra Mountains. In each episode, under the watchful eye of cameras, specialists (an architect with a construction team), race against time and difficulties, to successfully deliver what is most prosaic necessity in everyday life – a new, warm home. Each program presents a completely different, touching story of the family – sometimes suffering financial difficulties, sickness or bereavement. The program is presented by Katarzyna Dowbor, who with passion and involvement helps fulfill the dreams of the program’s participants. So far, Polsat TV, thanks to the support of sponsors, has already thoroughly renovated over 100 houses and homes, also providing basic furnishings, including modern TV sets, home appliances, but also tablets, smartphones and Internet access.
"Our new home” is a mission program, developed with passion and care about human beings. Tears of gratitude, smiles of people and the awareness that you change someone’s life to the better are the best appreciation of the work of the entire team involved in the execution of this program. Not everyone can say that about his/her job."
Nina Terentiew, Management Board member and Program Director of Polsat TV
From classic movies to cabaret and cartoons for kids
Since the very beginning, entertainment was one of the most important elements of our programming. In 1993, we introduced the first Polish talk show – “Na każdy temat” (On every subject). Initially the TV show was presented by a legend of the Polish journalism – Andrzej Woyciechowski, and then by Mariusz Szczygieł. Despite airing at a late hour, the talk show attracted over 1.5m viewers, while ensuring for the channel the average 30% audience share. The record-breaking episode aired on 1 June 1997 reached 50% audience share.
In the autumn of 1997, one of the biggest hits in our history was launched in POLSAT TV – “Idź na całość” (Go for it) game show hosted by Zygmunt Chajzer. Nearly one month after its debut, the program outclassed competitors in terms of viewership. “Życiowa szansa” (Chance of my life) game show with Krzysztof Ibisz as a host also became a hit. In December 2000, systematically growing audience of the program reached 5.5 million viewers in a group of all viewers.
Also today POLSAT’s viewers may count on great entertainment – cabarets, movies, TV series and game shows enjoy unwavering popularity with millions of viewers.
“Dancing with the Stars. Taniec z gwiazdami” show was regularly watched by millions of Poles (based on surveys, three episodes of the fifth edition were watched by 3 million viewers on average. “Must be the music. Tylko muzyka” talent show, which was broadcast for 5 years by Polsat, also enjoyed extreme popularity (11th edition was watched by 2 million Poles on average).
Cabarets are also breaking popularity records. Over 3.1 million viewers watched in Polsat TV the 15th anniversary of Neo-nówka cabaret “Schody do nieba” (Stairway to heaven) in June 2017. 11th Plock Cabaret Night, which took place in April 2017, also attracted over 3m viewers.
POLSAT is also associated with the most thrilling sport events. Qualifying matches of the Polish National Team to the FIFA World Cup attracted record-breaking audience. The matches against Montenegro attracted 9.5 million and 7.8 million viewers, respectively, against Romania – 8.0 million, against Kazakhstan – 7.1 million, against Denmark – 6.7 million and against Armenia – 6.0 million viewers.
Our entertainment offer is also enriched by TV series (“Przyjaciółki” (Friends), “W rytmie serca” (To the rhythm of the heart), “Gliniarze” (Cops), “Na ratunek 112” (112 emergency), “Pierwsza miłość” (First Love), “Świat według Kiepskich” (The world according to the Kiepski Family)) as well as cooking programs and music shows (“Ewa gotuje” (Ewa cooks), “Twoja twarz brzmi znajomo” (Your face sounds familiar), “Top Chef”).
The broadcast of “Kevin home alone”, already a cult classic of our main channel, was watched by 4.4 million viewers on Christmas Eve.
Irrespective of age, interest or hobby, each viewer will find something attractive in the portfolio of channels offered by Polsat TV.
Cyfrowy Polsat Group also means great Polish movies. In 2016 we launched the Digital Artist Zone, a unique program in Poland under which we support domestic film productions. We offer to the filmmakers a possibility of submitting their projects which the Group could then support in the field of production, promotion and distribution. We are looking, among others, for original scripts and film projects in their initial phase. Under the Digital Artist Zone, Cyfrowy Polsat Group co-produced the feature film “Najlepszy” (The Best), directed by Łukasz Palkowski, which received an award at the 2017 Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. The film tells the story, inspired by real life, of Jerzy Górski who finished the “deadly race” while setting the world record in the triathlon world cup, and won the title of double Iron Man. Nearly 750 thousand people watched the movie in cinemas.
In the middle of January 2018 another feature film “Narzeczony na niby” (Fake Fiancé), directed by Bartosz Prokopowicz, opened in cinemas. The film has been produced by TFP Sp. z o.o., with co-producers: Polsat TV, Polkomtel, Cyfrowy Polsat and Edipresse Polska. The film, which tells the story of Karina who is looking for love, had the highest opening in cinemas in 2018. Over 250 thousand tickets were sold during the first weekend, and a million people watched the film in less than a month after its debut.
Each year on Christmas Eve we invite viewers to sing carols together. Most beautiful Polish carols and pastorals are presented by the stars of the Polish music scene.
Our festivals, in particular Polsat SuperHit Festival, have become a permanent feature in calendars of millions of Poles. Each year, for a few days, we change Opera Leśna in Sopot into the place of unforgettable music and cabaret experience. Most popular artists and comedians perform there for our viewers. Festival surprises with the music diversity and satisfies even the most demanding fans. During these festivals, the audience may watch on the scene the most popular Polish artists who sold most records in a given year. In 2017, these were the performers whose records won the platinum award status. Well-acclaimed anniversaries of most important Polish bands and singers are a regular part of the music feast. In 2017, Muniek Staszczyk with his rock and roll band T.Love, celebrated 35 years on the top of the music market in Poland, while Eva Farna, one of the youngest and biggest music stars in Poland and the Czech Republic, celebrated her 10th anniversary of stage performances. At the end of the Polsat SuperHit Festival we always invite to the stage the top performs of the Polish cabaret scene. So far we have hosted, among others: Kabaret Ani Mru Mru, Kabaret Neo-nówka, Kabaret Młodych Panów, Marcin Daniec, Cezary Pazura and Jerzy Kryszak.
Each year, we organize one of the biggest New Year’s Eve parties in Poland. During the last night of 2017, the viewers could listen to the hits of the Spanish singer Alvaro Soler. Then, the tunes of “Bałkanica” by Piersi and Vengaboys’ “Boom Boom Boom” and “We Are Going To Ibiza” hits flew from the stage. The audience sang “Księżniczka” together with Sylwia Grzeszczak and “A gdy już jest ciemno” together with Feel, and finally “Jesteś szalona” together with Vengaboys. Still before midnight, during the Sylwestrowa Moc Przebojów (New Year’s Eve Power of Hits), the following performers ensured great fun with nearly 50 hit songs: Ewa Farna, Danzel, Enej, Golec uOrkiestra, Natalia Szroeder, Michał Wiśniewski, Mesajah, Sebastian Riedel & Cree, Krzysztof Respondek i Frele along with the biggest stars of dance music: Weekend, Piękni i Młodzi, Łobuzy, MIG and Long&Junior.
Cyfrowy Polsat Group wants to reach as many people as possible with its offer. Therefore, we launched Super Polsat – the first channel in Poland and Europe, in which most of the programming is adjusted to the needs of people with sight and/or hearing impairment. The offer of Super Polsat includes the best content from the Polsat TV productions – great entertainment, cooking and music programs as well as the best TV series which have acquired faithful fans. The schedule also includes well-known blockbuster movies. On Saturdays, viewers can watch classic movies of the Polish post-war cinema, and on Sundays – the best foreign movies – family films, great comedies and dramas – all content with closed captioning. The morning programming includes cartoons for the youngest viewers. Super Polsat also broadcasts sport events and concerts produced by Polsat TV.
We believe that the television may inspire and help people find new interests. Therefore, for years during the Christmas and New Year’s Eve period we organize the so-called Open Windows. It is the time when our subscribers receive, free-of-charge, access to channels which they do not have in their subscription packages.
We prepare similar actions also for the youngest – we try prolonging the Child’s Day in Cyfrowy Polsat for as long as possible. Thanks to this, our small viewers may enjoy the presence of their favorite heroes whom they do not watch every day in TV. We provide them with a possibility of watching cartoons on kid channels which are available in higher TV packages than the ones they have, as well as in IPLA online television.
Strictly regulated commercial time
"On the one hand, you sell your airtime and there is a question here to whom you sell it and what commercials you show etc. How does this affect the society, is this subject to verification. (…) On the other hand, you carry out your advertising communication and Polsat, and Plus, and Cyfrowy Polsat. The question is what do you tell people in these commercials, what is the message and what media do you use."
Participant of the dialog session
In Polsat TV channels – according to regulations – at least 33% of the quarterly programming are broadcasts initially developed in Polish, and over 50% – European broadcasts, coming mainly from the EU member states.
We also strictly follow the obligations and restrictions regarding advertising. Commercial blocks in our channels are clearly distinguishable from broadcasts and do not take more than 12 minutes within one hour. Our announcements with information about our own programming do not take more than 2 minutes within one hour. All sponsored programs are clearly marked as such. We also reveal product and service placements.
Polsat Media Advertising Office offers a portfolio of 70 television channels, combining high audience share of the national POLSAT channel and broad range of thematic channels. The total audience share of channels serviced by us in terms of advertising in 2017 exceeded 31% in the commercial viewers’ group (aged 16-49). Polsat Media means also an advertising offer of IPLA – the biggest online television, Muzo.fm pan-regional radio station, Polsat Media AdTube, Polsat Media AdScreen platforms. In the years 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2017, Polsat Media was recognized as the best advertising office among national channels in the report of the Media i Marketing Polska. In 2012, our office received the main award in the Media Trendy contest in the category of “Integrated Campaign in Digital Media” and a distinction in the category: “Use of Internet and Interactive Media – subcategory: Engagement” for the execution of the project “Kasia Live Baking”, a first interactive “live” cooking program in Poland, broadcast in the Internet through numerous platforms.
[GRI 417-3]
In 2016, there were two incidents of non-compliance with regulations or voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion and sponsorship, which resulted in a fine being imposed.
Our appeals against the decision of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) issued in December 2016, are pending before the Court of the Competition and Consumer Protection. In the opinion of the Office – which is fundamentally questioned by us – advertisements of Cyfrowy Polsat and Plus network infringed upon the collective interests of consumers, through suggesting that the data transmission in LTE technology will be unlimited. Fines were imposed on Cyfrowy Polsat and on Polkomtel.
We are also awaiting for court rulings regarding our appeals against another decision of the President of UOKiK issued in December 2016. The Office concluded that in advertisements of the smartDOM Program we presented a promotional offer which – in the opinion of the Office – made it impossible to use it on the presented terms. The President of UOKiK imposed fines on Cyfrowy Polsat and Polkomtel.
In 2016, Polsat TV paid a penalty for broadcasting a beer commercial before 8 p.m. in Polsat Sport channel.
There are still three appeals pending against fines imposed on Polsat TV in 2017, related to apparent interrupting of kid broadcasts with commercials. However, no other non-compliance with regulations or voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion and sponsorship, resulting in imposing of a fine, were identified.
[GRI 102-12]
We are signatories of several voluntary industry agreements concerning ethics of program broadcasting. Most important are as follows:
- IAB Polska standards regarding online advertising formats.
- Television broadcasters agreement on the rules of distribution of advertisements and sponsor references regarding food products and beverages including ingredients which are not recommended in the daily diet in excessive quantities.
- IAB Polska Fair Advertising Initiative.
- Code of good practices concerning detailed rules of protection of minors in on-demand audiovisual media services.
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