- The offer of Cyfrowy Polsat debunked the myth of expensive and elite satellite TV reserved for well-to-do inhabitants
- Currently Polsat TV has 29 channels, including 19 in HD quality, available across Poland
- LTE Internet offer of Plus and Cyfrowy Polsat, introduced in 2011, meant a revolution ensuring access to the network also in small towns and in rural areas and preventing digital divide
Care for the needs of our customers and viewers
Exceptional customers
For us each customer is unique. We are proud to provide services practically to the entire demographic profile of the Polish society.
[Accounting Act - Key Performance Indicators] Key figures 2017
contract customers
of Cyfrowy Polsat customers live in small towns or in rural areas
prompted awareness of Cyfrowy Polsat brand
prompted awareness of Plus brand
Availability – Television and Internet for everyone
Ensuring the maximum availability of our services has been one of our goals for years:
Safety – DNA of our operations
- Ensuring appropriate level of the ICT security
- Respecting legal regulations
- Locating relatives
- Fighting against piracy
High quality products and services
When servicing customers and making efforts to ensure their satisfaction, there is no end to improvements – we know that good can be better, and better can be best. A committed and trained team of over two thousand customer service representatives, experienced managerial staff and great flexibility of operations are our main advantages. Thanks to the knowledge about preferences and habits of our existing customers we may offer them customized proposals of the best “tailored” offers.
We set standards
- Trust and appreciation of our viewers in Poland is an obligation to provide them with high quality news, unforgettable sport experience and the best entertainment
- Objectivity is the most important rule we follow in our daily journalistic activities
- We pay particular attention to the social issues
- We would like to reach with our programming offer as many people as possible, also those with sight and/or hearing impairment
- We also strictly follow the obligations and restrictions regarding advertising