Non-financial Report Cyfrowy Polsat Group, 2016-2017
Top quality digital services, provided with care for people and natural environment. Take a look at how we do it.
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Top quality digital services, provided with care for people and natural environment. Take a look at how we do it.
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Our mission is to create and deliver the most attractive TV content, telecommunication products and other services that match the changing needs of our customers.
Each customer is unique, therefore we are immensely satisfied with the fact that the quality of our services and customer service are highly acclaimed.
We owe our employees our position on the market, reputation and the fact that each year more and more Poles want to use the services of the Group’s companies.
Sports have a special place in the operations of Cyfrowy Polsat Group. It is not only that we show top class sports to our viewers but above all for many years we have been consistently supporting athletes.
We do not forget about the influence we have on the environment, therefore we control consumption of raw materials, save electrical energy and effectively manage waste.
We understand the importance of responsible communication with the market, the employees and other stakeholders in our Group.
2017 was yet another successful year for Cyfrowy Polsat Group during which we achieved our key business goals and consistently pursued the adopted strategy.
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