Care for children’s health
children received aid
1 200
hospitals and medical centrers received support
allocated for financing statutory goals
collected from the St. Nicholas Commercial Block
of revenue from 1% tax
Children occupy a special spot when looking at the social impact of Cyfrowy Polsat Group. For more than 21 years, POLSAT Foundation has incessantly worked for improving the health of the youngest patients in Poland. It organizes big, national campaigns the profits from which are allocated to the purchase of medical equipment for hospitals and medical centers taking care of children.
The Foundation understands that the illness of a child is a drama for many Polish families, not only in emotional but also material terms. Specialist treatments, pharmaceutical products or complicated surgeries are expensive and often exceed financial capabilities of the parents. Due to various reasons the State Healthcare cannot provide appropriate health to all the needy.
[GRI 203-1, GRI 203-2]In 2017, POLSAT Foundation donated:
- PLN 511,936.26 for medical treatment of 255 children,
- PLN 4,184,223.45 for rehabilitation of 1 794 children,
- PLN 219,784.67 for the purchase of medical equipment for 69 children,
- PLN 395,008.80 for the purchase of rehabilitation equipment for 140 children,
- PLN 1,834,248.05 allocated to 12 centers and hospitals where children are treated and rehabilitated
POLSAT Foundation saves health and life of children, who have no chance of being cured without this aid. The Foundation has created a system of fast and effective response to requests for help. Information received from parents is verified, and then their applications are examined based on the agreed criteria. The Foundation finances numerous treatments, drugs and therapies. During 21 years, it helped 31 535 children suffering from, among others, mucoviscidosis, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, arthrogryposis, hearing impairment, cancer, kidney diseases, heart defects, diabetes or epilepsy.
POLSAT Foundation sponsors renovation and modernization of medical centers. So far, 1200 hospitals and medical centers across Poland have received support. The Foundation purchased high quality equipment for them, including diagnostic equipment for treatment of prematurely born infants, specialized equipment for diagnosing oncological diseases of children and medical equipment for diagnosing and monitoring of the health of children – victims of accidents.
The Neonatal Pathology Clinic with Intensive Care Unit in the Children’s Memorial Health Institute is one of the major examples of the support we provide. The Clinic was built in 2006 by the POLSAT Foundation. In 2016, the Clinic entered a new stage of its development – after financing by us the modernization and extension of the facility, the Clinic has become the biggest medical center of this type in Poland. In its new shape the Clinic may take up to 3.5 thousand children per year. At the same time – under “We support mothers with pride” project conducted jointly with Procter & Gamble – a room for mothers was opened. It ensures home conditions for mothers during the stay of their children in the hospital.
"The things which were very valuable for us in our cooperation with Foundation included professional end-to-end implementation of each project as well as performing pioneering tasks which at first glance seemed difficult to complete – according to the rule “the more difficult, the better.” It is your courage that we appreciate so much."
Dr. n. med. Maciej Piróg, Director of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in years 2002-2012
In 2017, POLSAT Foundation was involved, among others, in the renovation of the Pediatric Ward in the County Health Center in Otwock – the facility which has not been renovate for over half a century and which hospitalizes two thousand young patients every year. The Foundation ensured financing and organization of renovation work. The total cost of modernization amounted to PLN 1 million – among others, emergency room, treatment rooms, toilets and patient rooms were renovated and furnished. Water and sewage, electrical and ventilation installations have been also replaced. As a part of the renovation, the social welfare hotel rooms for mothers have been also arranged. Execution of the project at this stage was possible thanks to joining this part by the Pampers brand from Procter&Gamble. Furthermore, Polsat Group together with POLSAT Foundation organized a charity action among its employees “We double the money”. The funds collected from the employees were doubled from the budget of Polkomtel and then allocated to the purchase of specialized equipment, including a scanner for locating subcutaneous blood vessels for the Otwock facility. The renovated unit was opened at the beginning of June 2017.
Since the beginning of its operations, the POLSAT Foundation has been involved in many pioneering projects18:
- launching the Liver Transplant Family Program in Poland,
- establishing the first Polish Children’s Ward of Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation and Gene Therapy at the Hematology Department of Proliferative Diseases of Children in the Wroclaw Medical University,
- establishing the Bank of Hemopoietin Cells from Umbilical-Cord Blood at the Department of Hematology, Oncology and Internal Diseases of the Warsaw Medical University. The Bank is named after the POLSAT Foundation,
- starting the program of atrial septal defects treatment in children using the Amplatzer non-surgical technique in the Children’s Memorial Health Institute,
- implementing innovative medical techniques – the application of so-called artificial liver and intra-operative neuro-monitoring in the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute,
- introducing to Poland state-of-the-art treatment method of Spina bifida in the womb. Medical procedures are performed in the 1st Department and Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Warsaw Medical University.
18 List of projects in which POLSAT Foundation is involved, including detailed information, is available at the Foundation’s website: (http://www.fundacjapolsat.pl/aktualnosci/)
POLSAT Foundation also involves actors and producers of TV series broadcast in Polsat TV channels in the important events organized by it. For years, all the activities of the POLSAT Foundation are supported by the news journalists of two television channels: POLSAT and POLSAT NEWS. Information on important events of the POLSAT Foundation appear in the news programs. A representative of the Foundation is also a guest of the “New Day” program in Polsat News every Thursday. The Foundation is present in this channel also in its Sunday program “Wystarczy chcieć” (To want is all you need). Authors of the program present stories of the parents of sick or disabled children, but also problems facing healthy children. Experts explain the essence of the presented cases, discuss a possibility of treatment or – in case of incurable diseases – suggest how the care for such patients should look like. The program is hosted by Bartosz Kwiatek, a journalist of Polsat News, whereas Izabela Talabska – mother of 11-year old Olaf with cerebral palsy who receives support from POLSAT Foundation – tells the stories of children and also seeks the opinions of experts about the cases discussed in the program.
All activities of POLSAT Foundation are possible thanks to the support from donors. We reach private people and sponsors, among others, through Polsat TV which for years has broadcast calls for help. Without television, POLSAT Foundation could not be so effective and could not operate on such a big, national scale.
POLSAT Foundation’s financing in 2017

Biggest donors in 2017
Item | Name | Amount |
1 | TELEWIZJA POLSAT SP. Z O.O. | PLN 2 252 983.00 |
2 | POLKOMTEL SP. Z O.O.* | PLN 1 049 810.44 |
3 | ORANGE POLSKA S.A.* | PLN 647 354.95 |
5 | CYFROWY POLSAT S.A. | PLN 461 886.04 |
6 | T-MOBILE POLSKA S.A.* | PLN 331 275.00 |
7 | P4 SP. Z O.O.* | PLN 311 540.00 |
8 | PLUS BANK S.A. | PLN 250 000.00 |
9 | POLSAT MEDIA SP. Z O.O. SP.K. | PLN 125 565.00 |
10 | ZESPÓŁ ELEKTROWNI PAK | PLN 102 000.00 |
11 | PLUS TM MANEAGEMENTY SP. Z O.O. | PLN 35 534.70 |
12 | G24 GROUP SP. Z O.O. | PLN 31 050.00 |
13 | AQUILA HOTELE SP. Z O.O. | PLN 10 000.00 |
* Charity and transfer of entire income from the SMS campaigns organized by the Foundation
The Foundation cooperates with Polsat TV when organizing nationwide TV campaigns having the purpose of acquiring funds for the Foundation’s statutory goals. ”Jesteśmy dla dzieci” (We Are for the Children) is one of the most recognizable projects. The spots aired in Polsat TV feature children who appeal for help not only for themselves but also for their ill friends.
[GRI 203-1, GRI 203-2]For 14 years now, each December 6 at 6.45 p.m. Polsat TV and Polsat Media advertising bureau have been organizing the Mikołajkowy Blok Reklamowy (St. Nicholas Day Commercial Block). This dozen or so minutes, filled with commercials, attract millions of Poles to their TV sets every year. The income from the St. Nicholas Day Commercial block, calculated on the basis of audience results, is donated to treatment and rehabilitation of the children who are under the care of the POLSAT Foundation.
In 2016 the St. Nicholas Day Commercial Block was also aired in IPLA online TV. A total of 6 million viewers watched the commercials. As a result over PLN 1.2 million was received on the Foundation’s account. The amount of over PLN 17.5 million was collected during the past 14 editions of the St. Nicholas Day Commercial Block action. The entire amount was transferred for treatment and rehabilitation of children.
POLSAT Foundation, while cooperating with the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Medical University of Warsaw, which is managed by Professor Mirosław Wielgoś, and with Professor Thomas Kohl of the University Hospital in Giessen, initiated a project which involves fetoscopic operations of spina bifida performed in a womb. On September 11, 2017 Polish doctors, together with Prof. Kohl, performed the first successful operation of this type in Poland. POLSAT Foundation financed the training for the doctors and the purchase of the medical equipment required for the operation.
“It is something extraordinary. Increasing numbers of babies can get help while still in a mother’s womb. We wish that the methods which are used elsewhere around the world be also available in Poland. Our assumption is that if others can do it successfully, then we should try as well, so such operations can become possible also in Poland, without the need for difficult trips abroad which in any case are not always good for pregnant women,” says Professor Mirosław Wielgoś from University Health Center for Women and Newborns, a part of the Medical University of Warsaw.
An important part of the Foundation’s revenue also comes from the 1% of the tax transferred by tax payers to charity causes. For years Polsat TV has been encouraging its viewers to support the Foundation when filling in the yearly tax return forms. The Foundation offers access to free software which helps taxpayers fill in their tax return forms and which indicates POLSAT Foundation as the beneficiary of the 1% of the tax paid by a taxpayer. So far we have received nearly PLN 16.7 million this way thanks to the generosity of taxpayers. The entire amount thus received was used for treatment and rehabilitation of children in Poland.
Every year the Foundation’s budget is also funded by donations from sponsors who include the biggest companies operating in Poland.
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