In Cyfrowy Polsat Group we do not forget about the influence we have on the environment. We control consumption of raw materials and save electrical energy. We are effective in managing waste and whenever possible we transfer the waste to specialized recycling firms. We also examine the impact that our transmission equipment has on the environment.

We control our influence on natural environment
Cyfrowy Polsat | Polkomtel | Polsat TV | |
Consumption of raw materials | V | V | V |
Electrical power | V | V | V |
Waste management and recycling | V | V | V |
Impact of base stations and transmitters on the environment | X | V | X |
Management Approach
The InterPhone Service factory of set-top boxes holds ISO 9001:2009 and ISO 14001:2005 certificates in the field of design and production of electronic equipment as well the PN-N-18001:2004 certificate, issued by the Polish Certification Center, which covers design and production of electronic equipment. Polkomtel holds certificates which confirm the company’s particular care for the quality of the services it offers (ISO 9001:2008) as well as its ecological responsibility (ISO 14001:2004).
Since 2014 environmental goals have been in place at Polkomtel. Observance of fulfillment of these goals has become an important element of the company’s strategy. The company’s priorities in the area of ecology include:
- the products launched to the market meet the requirements of relevant norms and regulations,
- achievement by the company of at least the legally-required levels of salvaging and recycling of the electrical and electronic equipment as well as batteries and packed products which it introduces to the market,
- sale of electrical energy produced from renewable sources, natural gas burning or cogeneration in the amounts which at least meet the levels required by the law,
- rational and thrifty management of electrical power,
- reduction of negative environmental impact in other essential environmental aspects.
The company has committed to make efforts to systematically increase the employees’ awareness in the field of environmental protection, improve its processes as well as reduce the negative impact it has on natural environment (while increasing the positive one) as well as meet the legal and other requirements related to environmental issues.
At Cyfrowy Polsat we regularly monitor our efforts from the point of view of their compliance with laws and regulations governing environmental protection was well as with any other environmental requirements which we may be bound by. If needed we contact the relevant authorities and cooperate with them in the field of monitoring of compliance of our activities with valid laws and regulations. According to our best knowledge, as of the date of this report no courts suits were filed against us on account of non-compliance with environmental protection regulations.
Production of equipment, network maintenance, office space maintenance, or broadcasting of TV signal require day-to-day cooperation with hundreds of companies from Poland and abroad. All of Cyfrowy Polsat Group’s companies follow the “Procurement and Vendor Selection Procedure”. Our aim is to make our delivery chain as effective as possible while its uniform and consistent organization should support cost optimization and minimize the adverse impact that we may have on the environment.

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