Niefinansowy Raport Polsatu za rok 2017

[GRI 101, GRI 102-45, GRI 102-46, GRI 102-47, GRI 102-50, GRI 102-51, GRI 102-52, GRI 102-54, GRI 102-56]

Transparent communications

We understand the importance of responsible communication with the market, the employees and other stakeholders in our Group. For years we have been regularly publishing our financial reports and management reports while the high quality of our investor relations was recognized by numerous prestigious awards that we received. More information on this item can be found Chapter 1 – Our business.

We are handing to you the first non-financial report of Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group which describes our activities in the period from January 2016 to December 2017. The publication complies with the Global Reporting Initiative Standard in its Core option and with the amended Accounting Act. While responding to the requirements of the Polish Accounting Act, in the years to come we will be providing annual reports. Our non-financial report covers Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group, and in particular the information related to the following companies:


When looking from the point of view of the generated revenue, assets held and the nature of operations, it is the above-mentioned parties that are the key companies of our Group, and in our view they provide the basis for comprehensive description of our business. While responding to the requirements of the amended Accounting Act, all the data is presented with breakdown to the above mentioned companies including, in particular, the data for our dominant party, i.e. Cyfrowy Polsat S.A.

The report has not been subjected to any external verification but while developing it we relied on consultations with experts who included Deloitte’s Sustainability Team.

Standard Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international standard for reporting responsible business and sustainable growth for companies. Reporting principles defined by GRI have been created as an international framework for reporting on economic, environmental and social aspects of functioning of organizations. They account for the practical aspects of functioning of diverse organizations, from small firms to international organizations/companies who conduct their operations worldwide.


Our report has been compiled in line with the rules defined by the GRI Standard, thus while creating the publication we went through the processes of identification, prioritization and validation.

To get best understanding of the issues which are essential for our key stakeholders, in November 2016 we held a dialog session which was based on AA1000SES international stakeholder engagement standard. Participants of the discussion included representatives of 20 parties who operate in our business environment. According to the assumptions the dialog had the aim of determining the strategic topics which we should include in our social responsibility activities as well as in the present report.

The discussion which was conducted during the session enabled us to prepare the Relevance Matrix which is a set of the social responsibility topics with the biggest relevance for the Group and its stakeholders.

[GRI 103-1]
List of key topics for Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group – the topics which have been indicated as most important by the organization and the stakeholders:

Business and market:

  • Influence of CPCG on Polish economy and legislative environment
  • CSR management fundamentals
  • Corporate ethics and governance (including risk management and prevention of corrupt practices)
  • Responsibility in relations with customers (including quality of customer service, satisfaction surveys, management of complaints, customer data and privacy protection, assurance of safety of the children using the Internet)
  • Responsible marketing communication and advertising
  • Responsibility while building TV messages (including protection of intellectual property and copyrights, editorial standards, educational value of the topics related to sustainable growth, promotion of right attitudes)
  • Product quality
  • Innovation (including investments in research and development)


  • Working conditions
  • Education and development of employees
  • Work safety

Positive influence on the social environment:

  • Activities carried out for local communities (via the POLSAT Foundation, the Group and corporate volunteering)
  • Prevention of digital exclusion
  • Safety, offered thanks to the products and the services provided by Plus network
  • Sponsoring of sports events
  • Promoting active lifestyle thanks to promotion of sports

Minimization of adverse impact on natural environment:

  • Health and safety of products and services (throughout the entire lifecycle of a product)
  • Waste
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