- a standard developed by the Institute of Social and Ethical AccountAbility outlining guiding principles for strategic management of the organization and its activities in the social and ethical area.
- a Polish legal act which sets out the rules of accounting and financial and non-financial reporting.
- average monthly revenue per Customer generated in a given settlement period (including interconnect revenue).
- the group of TV viewers watching a channel at a given time, expressed as the percentage of all TV viewers at the time.
- (Base Transceiver Station)/base station/transmitter/ /eNodeB/nodeB – a device equipped with antennas for radio signal transmission and reception which connects a mobile terminal (e.g. a mobile phone, a mobile router) with the transmission part of a telecommunication network. A base station uses a single technology (2G, 3G, or LTE) on a dedicated carrier frequency (a block of spectrum from a specific radio bandwidth). A base station should not be mistaken for a site.
Location/site/mast/tower or a rooftop installation – an individual steel structure located in a specific geographical area which offers the possibility of installation of one or several base stations for the purpose of transmitting of radio signal to end-users’ mobile terminals within that specific area.
- termination of the contract with Customer by means of the termination notice, collections or other activities resulting in the situation that after termination of the contract the Customer does not have any active service provided in the contract model.
Churn rate presents the relation of the number of customers for whom the last service has been deactivated (by means of the termination notice as well as deactivation as a result of collection activities or other reasons) within the last 12 months to the annual average number of customers in this 12-month period. - CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
- a set of rules concerning shareholders, governing bodies of the Company and their members, describing their internal and external relations.
- according to PN-ISO 26000 standard, it is a responsibility of the organization for the impact of decisions and activities undertaken by it on the society and environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour in key areas.
- natural person, legal entity or an organizational unit without legal personality who has at least one active service provided in a contract model.
- a meeting with key internal and external stakeholders, during which they provide information, opinions and requests addressed to the organization.
- part of Company's profit distributed to the shareholders.
- we define EBITDA as net profit/(loss), as determined in accordance with IFRS, before depreciation and amortization (other than for programming rights), impairment charges and reversals on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, net value of disposed property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, revenue obtained from interest, finance costs, positive/(negative) exchange rate differences, income taxes and share of net results of jointly controlled entities.
- undertaking and supporting charity activities by the organization, with voluntary cooperation of people employed by it, for the benefit of non-governmental organizations (NGO) and other institutions specified by law.
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
- international reporting standard of responsible business and sustainable development for companies.
- indicators showing economic, environmental data and covering social aspects of the organization’s operations.
- (Long-Term Evolution) - wireless data transmission technology, characterised by much higher transfer speeds, larger network capacity, and lower latencies than traditional technologies. At present, it is the world's fastest and most advanced mobile Internet.
- a report covering environmental, social and corporate governance issues, presenting a condensed image of management, including the results of the responsible business.
- RGU (Revenue Generating Unit)
- single, active service of pay TV, Internet Access or mobile telephony provided in contract or prepaid model.
- Share of TV advertisement and sponsorship revenue of a given entity in the total revenue from TV advertising in Poland.
- a device processing the encoded digital signal so that it may be received by a TV set. It is generally used to receive digital satellite pay TV.
- persons or groups of persons interested in the activities of the organization, who have some influence over the organization, as well as persons who are affected by the activities of this organization.
- a flow of materials, products, services and/or money from the development of a concept of product / service until the moment of its consumption by the customer and the receipt of payment by participants of the process.
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