Niefinansowy Raport Polsatu za rok 2017

Przewiń do treści

Environment-friendly Group

[Accounting Act - Key Performance Indicators]Key figures

  • < 0 W

    the power consumed in standby mode by the set-top boxes manufactured by Cyfrowy Polsat

  • 0 tons

    of old electronic equipment were sent by Polkomtel for recycling in 2017

  • 0 tons

    of waste were sent by Cyfrowy Polsat for recycling in 2017

  • 0 tons

    of data carriers were sent for recycling by Polsat TV in 2017

We control our influence on natural environment

In Cyfrowy Polsat Group we do not forget about the influence we have on the environment. We control consumption of raw materials, save electrical energy. We are effective in managing waste and whenever possible we transfer the waste to specialized recycling firms. We also examine the impact that our transmission equipment has on the environment.

We regularly monitor our efforts from the point of view of their compliance with laws and regulations governing environmental protection was well as with any other environmental requirements which we may be bound by.


Waste and recycling

We try to make sure that as much of used electronic equipment as possible is recycled. It is not only a way of reducing the volume of electro-waste but above all a method of reducing the negative impact that old devices have on the environment.

  • Polkomtel fulfills its statutory duties in the field of recycling and recovery (of raw materials) and carrying out of the educational campaigns for the public thanks to the cooperation with specialized organizations.
  • Cyfrowy Polsat cooperates, on continuous basis, with the companies who collect and recycle all sorts of waste generated by the company.

Electrical power consumption

Electricity savings is one of the most important ecology-related priorities of the Group. We are aware of not only the negative impact that wasted electrical energy has on natural environment but also of the potential financial benefits which can be achieved thanks to a thrifty power consumption policy. We do not disregard any seemingly minor efforts, taking into account the size of our organization and the number of people working for us, which translate to actual reduction of the adverse impact on natural environment.


Consumption of raw materials

Wherever possible we modernize our infrastructure by replacing older solutions with the latest ones, which are natural environment-friendly. For several years now we have been consistently implementing a system of electronic circulation of documents and we also encourage our clients to do the same. While caring for natural environment and comfort of our customers, we launched so-called “eco-services.”

Environmental impact of base transceiver stations

[GRI 413-2]Relevant permits, required by Polish law, are secured for each of our base stations before it is put on-air. The permits include the ones related to environmental impact. Polish regulations are still among the most stringent in Europe while our antennas are safe to both, human health and natural environment. The existing recommendation introduces the obligation to perform measurements in a bigger number of points, which directly translates to improved safety of the people who are in the vicinity of a base station.
