In Cyfrowy Polsat Group, which is so strongly linked to state-of-the-art technologies, we are aware of the value of our employees’ experience. Only highly qualified staff is able to ensure the highest quality of our services. Experts with unique skill types work for us, including for instance masters of fine arts in cinematography or organization of advanced television production (in case of Polsat TV), top IT professionals or experts in broadband electronic communications (in case of Polkomtel) or online video market practitioners, design aces or professional designers (in case of Cyfrowy Polsat). Over 60% of our employees have a university degree. Job tenure is the best confirmation of the strong identification with the company and satisfaction with work. Across the Group at the end of 2017, it amounted to ca. 9 years on average. Furthermore, as many as 9% of the Group’s employees has worked for it for at least 20 years. The staff turnover ratio at the Group level equals ca. 9%, Polsat TV has the lowest staff turnover.

Our culture of work
"Our Mail Room quite often receives e-mails asking to provide thanks to a specific customer service representative. But one letter was particularly memorable. It was hand-written, sent by post. In the letter, our customer – aged 93 – thanked a customer service representative for helping her to record on her set-top box the football match Poland against Germany for her … husband, aged 101! She promised to replay the match for him after he knows the score – so as to avoid stress during the live broadcast. Fortunately, it was THE MATCH in which we defeated Germany 2:0."
Patryk, Mail Room of Cyfrowy Polsat
Staff turnover ratio1
TV Polsat | Polkomtel | Cyfrowy Polsat | |
Women | 1.2% | 5.6% | 5.6% |
Men | 1.2% | 5.7% | 10.4% |
Total | 2.4% | 11.3% | 16.0% |
TV Polsat | Polkomtel | Cyfrowy Polsat | |
Women | 1.0% | 5.2% | 5.8% |
Men | 2.1% | 4.7% | 5.7% |
Total | 3.1% | 9.9% | 11.5% |
1 without including migration of employees between the companies of the Capital Group
We do not favor any companies of the Group and ensure comparable working conditions in each of them. In 2017 we implemented the Human Resources Policy of the Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group. This document was based on solutions which already function perfectly in Polkomtel, Cyfrowy Polsat and Polsat TV and helped standardize the rules of human resources management according to the values adopted by the Group. The main goal of the Human Resources Policy of the Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group is to build an attractive work place for the current and future employees. We know that our success is the result of knowledge, skills and involvement of our employees who are the superior value of Cyfrowy Polsat Group.
In 2016, we implemented a common accounting and payroll system in most of the Group’s companies. This helped to improve consistence of procedures, processes and data across the entire organization and additionally created a possibility to better use the competence of employees in the Group’s companies. Managers also obtained better tools for planning the time of work of their teams.
Competence is what really counts in Cyfrowy Polsat Group. When assessing our employee, we never discriminate based on age or gender. We follow the Policy of diversity and respect for human rights of Cyfrowy Polsat Capital Group.
We counteract any forms of mobbing or discrimination in the workplace. We established an internal anti-mobbing committee at Polkomtel and Cyfrowy Polsat, based on relevant procedures. We also provide trainings in this respect to the employees. In Polsat TV, the proceedings in case of actions which may be classified as mobbing have been described in the Anti-mobbing Procedure which constitutes an internal document of the company. Code of Ethics also operates in three biggest companies of Polsat Group. It is a set of guidelines regulating the issue of fair competition, compliance with law and ethical activities. The publication is a guide for solving dilemmas of ethical nature which the employees may face in their daily work.
How do we remunerate our employees?
We do not look for savings on formal aspects of employment – employment contract is the basic form of employment in the Group, however depending on the specific nature of operations of individual companies in the Group and/or expectations of our co-workers, we also use different forms of employment.
We offer fair remuneration to our employees which depends on the type of duties they perform, area of responsibility and complexity of performed tasks. Limit values of remuneration on individual levels are laid down in the Remuneration Regulations. Minimum remuneration offered by the Group is compliant with the Polish law. Salaries grow in line with the growing specialization level and the position in the organizational structure.
We offer a number of benefits to the Group’s employees, apart from the basic salary. We would like them to be not only a motivation and incentive, but also an expression of our gratitude for their daily work. At the same time, some benefits support achieving the balance between the work and private life.
Selected benefits available to the employees of Cyfrowy Polsat Group [GRI 401-2]
Healthcare subscriptions
We take care of the health of our employees, providing them with easy access to medical care. All full-time employees of the Group are covered by free-of-charge private healthcare services. Furthermore, they also have a possibility to purchase, at preferential rates, medical care subscriptions for their family, and the employees of Polsat TV may also continue the medical care at preferential rates after termination of their employment contract with the company.
Sports Program
We offer to our employees a possibility to join a sport and recreation package which is provided by our partner and offers access sports facilities all over Poland. Each employee may purchase a monthly subscription for himself/herself and his/her relatives.
Employee promotions
Each employee of Cyfrowy Polsat Group may take advantage of a program of Employee Promotions – we offer a possibility of purchasing a special set, including DTH television, LTE Internet and mobile telephony in Plus, with special discounts. Under the offers dedicated to householders, employees may also use a promotion for the purchase of electricity at preferential rates.
Employees of Cyfrowy Polsat and Polkomtel may use a unique offer of insurances guaranteed by one of the biggest insurance companies on the Polish market. Special discounts on houses/apartments, travel and vehicle insurance policies guarantee attractive prices of insurance.
Cyfrowy Polsat Group also offers a possibility to join a voluntary life insurance which is offered by our partners who provide insurance services.
At the same time, every employee of Cyfrowy Polsat Group has workplace accident insurance and accident insurance for business trips.
Special offers of theaters
Our employees may also take advantage of a special cultural offer. Selected theaters in Warsaw regularly invite employees to selected theater plays under a special offer (a possibility to purchase tickets at attractive prices).
Company Social Benefits Fund is one of the elements of our social policy. The funds from the Company Social Benefits Fund are intended for: i) granting loans for housing purposes (attractive interest rate – 2%); ii) providing material and financial assistance in case of events of fortuitous circumstances (illness or death, difficult family or material situation, etc.), iii) co-financing of various forms of holidays, iv) subsidizing sport and recreation activities (sport, tourist, team-building, cultural events etc.). In 2016, one of the Group’s employees had a stroke. The aid that he received from the Fund enabled him to, among others, cover the costs of rehabilitation and buy the necessary drugs. As a result – despite initial not very good prospects for recovery – the employee could return to work.
Integration meetings, including the Family Picnic and other special events, are the permanent feature in the calendar of Cyfrowy Polsat Group. We try to combine integration meetings with educational activities – using the cooperation of the Group with WOPR, MOPR, GOPR and TOPR, we teach our employees safe behavior in the mountains and at the water and how to provide first aid.
"It is amazing to see how much is put in to organize the picnic so that it is really attractive for kids. An amusement park is created practically from scratch and it is big that there is not enough time for children to try each attraction even only once. I am very glad that somebody came up with such an idea."
Katarzyna, Cyfrowy Polsat, mother of 8-year-old Kuba and 10-year-old Zosia
Traditionally, a Family Picnic is the biggest event of this type. In 2017 the event took place for a fourth time and 4.5 thousand people (Group employees with families) took part in it. Everyone found something interesting on the site – there were games and plays for kids, supporting physical agility and stimulating creativity. Attractions prepared for adults were full of adrenaline. The event was hosted by a well-known presenter Krzysztof Ibisz, and numerous stars of Polsat TV performed on stage, including Tomasz Barański, Nina Tyrka and Przemek Mistrzak.
Our partners – broadcasters of thematic channels from the portfolio of Cyfrowy Polsat, including AXN, Cartoon Network, E! Entertainment, Eleven Sports, History, National Geographic, Nickelodeon, Polsat Viasat Explore, Golf Channel Polska, FOX Comedy, CBS Reality – took care of good time in selected thematic zones.
Apart from having fun together, we also support employee integration through sport. In each company of the Group there are employee sport teams – we run, play volleyball, football and ski together.
For years, Polsat News has actively supported mass national running events, both through broadcasts and by actively participating in the runs. In June 2017, the “Polsat Biega” (“Polsat Runs”) team – consisting of the employees of Polsat TV, Polkomtel and Cyfrowy Polsat – took part in the 2nd Piotr Nurowski Memorial Run in Konstancin. 16 competitors from “Polsat Biega” team faced a 10-km distance. Polsat News channel was a media patron of the event, whereas Plus has become its strategic partner.
During the event, with our partner – Samsung, we also organized a technology zone in which both adults and children could acquaint themselves with technological novelties in the field of telecommunications, participate in physical plays and games, solve puzzles and develop their artistic and manual skills, among others when building kites. Thanks to the involvement of sponsors, the number of runners increased from 800 in 2016 to nearly 1000 in 2017.
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